New in Sugester - August 2016

Welcome to another monthly summary of the updates and fixes that we've worked on in August. Although it's the summer vacation season, we managed to add quite a few new features as well as fix numerous bugs, both small and not-so-small. We hope you enjoy the read!
Continue readingNew in Sugester - July 2016

We're happy to present you with another monthly summary of new features and improvements in Sugester. We hope that you enjoy the read and the updates we've introduced - have a great day!
Continue readingNew in Sugester - June 2016

Welcome to the second monthly feature update for Sugester. We have a lot of interesting news for you - new features, bug fixes and more. As always, we hope you enjoy the read and have a great month!
Continue readingEmail marketing: reach your clients effectively

Modern technology allows entrepreneurs to reach their customers in numerous ways. You can publish keyword-based ads in search results and social networks, broadcast video ads before Youtube videos or simply buy sponsored articles on blogs and news websites. There is, however, a simpler and more effective to reach both existing and prospective clients: email marketing.
Continue readingNew in Sugester - May 2016

Welcome to our first monthly feature update for Sugester. Starting now, we'll do our best to keep you posted about the newest features and improvements we've worked on during each month. Enjoy the read!
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